2017  2017


Advertising space in the printed conference program is available for purchase.


 Advertisement Type  Print Size
 Full Page Outer Back Cover
 8.5" x 11"
 Full Page Inner Back Cover
 8.5" x 11"  $650
 Full Page Inner Front Cover
 8.5" x 11"  $650
 Full Page (Non-Cover)
 8.5" x 11"  $500
 Half Page
 8.5" x 5.5"
 Quarter Page  4.25" x 5.5"  $250


 Click Here to Purchase an Advertisement


Instructions For Purchasing Advertisements
1) Visit the Advertisement Sales page. Choose an Advertisement option using the "Quantity" pull down in the bottom table.

2) Enter all required contact information, then click the "Checkout" button to complete your order. You will have the option to pay by credit card or check.

3) Email a high resolution PDF file of your advertisement to Kate Freeman, the 2018 Conference Chair. PDF files must include bleed / print marks. Bleed required for all sizes: .125".

4) All advertisements must be received prior to 8 August 2018.


If you have questions about advertising in the conference program, please contact Kate Freeman, the Conference Coordinator.


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