TAICEP has made remarkable progress since our founding in 2013; our membership is growing and our services are expanding.  We invite you to partner with us on the 2018 TAICEP Conference in Philadelphia. Your support will benefit activities that build the association, develop standards for the profession, and develop resources for international credential evaluation professionals. Conference sponsors and advertisers ensure that TAICEP can continue to promote, educate, and sustain the Association as the work of international credential evaluators grows and becomes increasingly complex. Thank you!


Conference Sponsorship Opportunities
As a sponsor, TAICEP has a variety of brand / logo provisioning options that include your organization’s logo on the conference website and program, and recognition at various events throughout the program. TAICEP sponsors at certain levels also receive complimentary conference registration(s), invitation(s) to the VIP Reception, and an advertisement in the printed conference program.


Sponsorship Level Complimentary Registration VIP Reception Advertisement
$1000-$1999 1 Individual 1 Indiviual 1/4 Page
$2000 - $4999 2 Individuals 2 Individuals 1/2 Page
$5000+ 3 Individuals 3 Individuals Full page



 Click Here to Purchase a Sponsorship


Instructions For Purchasing Sponsorships
1) Visit the Sponsorship Sales page. Choose a Sponsorship Opportunity option using the "Quantity" pull down. If your sponsorship level includes a complimentary advertisement, you do not need to select an additional paid advertisement from the bottom table.

2) Enter all required contact information, then click the "Checkout" button to complete your order. You will have the option to pay by credit card or check.

3) After completing payment, you will be contacted within a few days with further information and instruction, including any applicable registration discount code(s). Please note that all conference attendees must also register on the Conference Registration page.

4) Without delay, please email the following items to Kate Freeman, the 2018 Conference Chair.
                    a) Brief written description of your organization that can be used for sponsor recognition purposes
                    b) Image file of your organization logo

                    c) High resolution PDF file of your advertisement for the conference program. The PDF file must include bleed / print marks. Bleed required for all sizes: .125".

5) Sponsorships received prior to 8 August 2018 will ensure recognition in the conference program and promotional materials. Sponsorships received after 8 August 2018 will be noted on the www.taicep.org website.


If you have questions about being a TAICEP sponsor, please contact Kate Freeman, the Conference Coordinator.


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