October 02, 2018 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM(UTC)
20181002T1600 20181002T1700 UTC Would You Recognize a MOOC If You Saw One?

Professionals in the field of higher education have been hearing about Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for several years now, but have you ever been called upon to evaluate them for transfer credit? If the answer is “yes”, have you come up with an evaluation methodology or do you dismiss them as non-formal learning? During this session we will look at what is being offered, in what form, and by whom. An important goal of the session is to see if we can come up with guidelines on if and under what conditions credit can be granted for this type of learning.

2018 TAICEP Conference - Philadelphia kfreeman@spantran.com
15 attendees saved this session

Professionals in the field of higher education have been hearing about Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for several years now, but have you ever been called upon to evaluate them for transfer credit? If the answer is “yes”, have you come up with an evaluation methodology or do you dismiss them as non-formal learning? During this session we will look at what is being offered, in what form, and by whom. An important goal of the session is to see if we can come up with guidelines on if and under what conditions credit can be granted for this type of learning.

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