This presentation will go in-depth into the methodology of NOKUTs recognition of VET qualifications as seen from the case handler's perspective. The method involves an evaluation of the scope, level and vocational content of qualifications. What a case handler does in each of the assessment stages and how the precedent database is being developed and used, will be presented. A challenge in this evaluation process is to find reliable sources from different historical periods. The presentation will elaborate on the office processes and information management systems, and suggests potential ways of handling and sharing this digital information.
2018 TAICEP Conference - Philadelphia kfreeman@spantran.comThis presentation will go in-depth into the methodology of NOKUTs recognition of VET qualifications as seen from the case handler's perspective. The method involves an evaluation of the scope, level and vocational content of qualifications. What a case handler does in each of the assessment stages and how the precedent database is being developed and used, will be presented. A challenge in this evaluation process is to find reliable sources from different historical periods. The presentation will elaborate on the office processes and information management systems, and suggests potential ways of handling and sharing this digital information.