October 03, 2018 02:15 PM - 03:15 PM(UTC)
20181003T1415 20181003T1515 UTC Resources from the RMC: A Useful Guide for Creating and Organizing a Reference Library in the Digital Age

The Resources for Members Committee (RMC) has dedicated itself to providing quality resources for TAICEP members, including extensive lists of reference materials, a verification database that is regularly updated, a companion webinar, the TAICEP Talk Newsletter, and more. Now we want to explore some of these available resources such as online databases, country profiles, publications, and others that we've compiled for you. We will discuss different uses of resources based on user (admissions vs assessment agency). We’ll also summarize some of our suggestions for tracking and storing information which will allow members to keep their library current and relevant.

2018 TAICEP Conference - Philadelphia kfreeman@spantran.com
23 attendees saved this session

The Resources for Members Committee (RMC) has dedicated itself to providing quality resources for TAICEP members, including extensive lists of reference materials, a verification database that is regularly updated, a companion webinar, the TAICEP Talk Newsletter, and more. Now we want to explore some of these available resources such as online databases, country profiles, publications, and others that we've compiled for you. We will discuss different uses of resources based on user (admissions vs assessment agency). We’ll also summarize some of our suggestions for tracking and storing information which will allow members to keep their library current and relevant.

Research / Assessment Officer
ICAS International Credential Assessment Service of Canada
Assistant Director of Operations, International Admissions
Indiana University
Transcript Research
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Admissions specialist
University of Helsinki
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