October 02, 2018 01:00 PM - 02:15 PM(UTC)
20181002T1300 20181002T1415 UTC Building a Resource Library

This session corresponds to the multi-part series on "Building a Resource Library" that has appeared over 2017 and 2018 in the TAICEP Talk Newsletter. This session hits the highlights on building a resource library, including the importance of it, strategies for building it, and some of the best resources. This complements "Resources from the Resource for Members Committee" session, but focuses more on building, organizing, and stocking the resource library with sample credentials, glossaries, and more. If you want to organize your information so it's readily at your fingertips, this is the session for you!

2018 TAICEP Conference - Philadelphia kfreeman@spantran.com
24 attendees saved this session

This session corresponds to the multi-part series on "Building a Resource Library" that has appeared over 2017 and 2018 in the TAICEP Talk Newsletter. This session hits the highlights on building a resource library, including the importance of it, strategies for building it, and some of the best resources. This complements "Resources from the Resource for Members Committee" session, but focuses more on building, organizing, and stocking the resource library with sample credentials, glossaries, and more. If you want to organize your information so it's readily at your fingertips, this is the session for you!

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