October 03, 2018 08:30 AM - 09:45 AM(UTC)
20181003T0830 20181003T0945 UTC Títulos, Técnicos, and Estudios Totales: Education in México

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a carta de pasante and a título? What an RVOE is and how to find out if a program has it or whether a técnico program is secondary or post-secondary? This session offers an overview of the Mexican educational system and its documents. We'll review common Mexican terminology, including terms that can easily be misinterpreted in English and how some terms may differ from other Latin American countries. We'll also examine secondary, vocational, and post-secondary documents, credits and grades, and check out resources for recognition and verification.

2018 TAICEP Conference - Philadelphia kfreeman@spantran.com
22 attendees saved this session

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a carta de pasante and a título? What an RVOE is and how to find out if a program has it or whether a técnico program is secondary or post-secondary? This session offers an overview of the Mexican educational system and its documents. We'll review common Mexican terminology, including terms that can easily be misinterpreted in English and how some terms may differ from other Latin American countries. We'll also examine secondary, vocational, and post-secondary documents, credits and grades, and check out resources for recognition and verification.

Research & Knowledge Management Evaluator
Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE)
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Mrs. Dongdong Meng
International Students Coordinator, Admissions
Sheridan College
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