October 02, 2018 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM(UTC)
20181002T1600 20181002T1700 UTC Developing Tailored and Nuanced Information to Meet Different User Needs: a UK Case Study

In UK NARIC’s role supporting the UK Home Office on immigration applications, trade and professional bodies on identifying appropriate competences for work, and advising UK universities and colleges on the suitability of international qualifications for admission, it receives over 125,000 enquiries from all countries annually. To manage this and provide recognition of all types of qualifications, UK NARIC has had to develop a number of appropriate tailored processes and resources to support its work. This session highlights the different ways in which the LRC can be applied to evaluate different types of qualifications depending on sector requirements.

2018 TAICEP Conference - Philadelphia kfreeman@spantran.com
20 attendees saved this session

In UK NARIC’s role supporting the UK Home Office on immigration applications, trade and professional bodies on identifying appropriate competences for work, and advising UK universities and colleges on the suitability of international qualifications for admission, it receives over 125,000 enquiries from all countries annually. To manage this and provide recognition of all types of qualifications, UK NARIC has had to develop a number of appropriate tailored processes and resources to support its work. This session highlights the different ways in which the LRC can be applied to evaluate different types of qualifications depending on sector requirements.

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